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Exploring the Intermedia Agenda-Setting Relationships and Frames in the High-Choice Media Environment

by Magdalene Lee

Institution: University of Minnesota
Year: 2017
Keywords: Agenda setting; Content analysis; Framing; Intermedia agenda setting; Political entertainment; Presidential campaigns
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2152359
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/11299/188783


This study seeks to better understand the role of intermedia agenda setting in the current high choice media environment. Going beyond traditional news providers, it examines agenda-setting influences during the 2016 presidential campaign across three distinct types of media: mainstream news media consisting of national newspapers, digital native news sites, and late-night comedy programs. Quantitative and qualitative content analyses were conducted to examine the issue agendas and the specific news frames used by the three media types. Spearman rank-order correlations revealed that the three issue agendas converged. Findings also showed an association between media types and frames used. Therefore, this study suggests that mainstream news media still play a dominant agenda- setting role despite the fragmenting of audiences. By ignoring the usual distinction between news and entertainment and focusing instead on what Williams and Delli Carpini refer to as politically relevant media, this study seeks to extend agenda-setting theory in the digital age.

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