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A cyber-physical system implementation for a hydro-pneumatic pulse forming network

by Sijie Yu

Institution: University of Texas Austin
Year: 2017
Keywords: Energy; Pulse forming network; Cyber physical system; System control; System modeling; Hydraulic; Accumulators
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2152624
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2152/47178


A hydro-pneumatic pulse forming network is an energy storage and conditioning system. It converts the highly variable power provided by renewable sources into a cyclical form demanded by practical loads. In an affiliated project, a laboratory testbed has been developed for demonstrating the HPPFN. This thesis studies the implementation of a cyber-physical system architecture that monitors and controls the HPPFN to enhance its reliability and flexibility. The thesis explains the testbed design including assessment of the components and their characteristics. It also explains the physical system modeling and simulation design process, the functionalities of the model as well as the difficulties encountered during the modeling process. CPS implementation and its decision-making logics are then explained in detail and its performance is evaluated based on the successfulness of its design purpose realization. The evolution of CPS model design is included to provide a clear overview of the CPS performance improvements. Possible future works to improve the CPS implementation are also discussed in the thesis. With the implementation of CPS, the HPPFN can adjust its charging and discharging strategy according to varying input conditions and load requirements to ensure optimal and efficient operation. This research demonstrates one way for how CPS connects a physical system to users by allowing them to monitor and control a system using online simulation models. It provides a basis for a control solution to the HPPFN where other control theories are hard to apply.Advisors/Committee Members: Longoria, Raul G. (advisor).

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