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Temporal changes in neural progenitor competence

by Dylan Farnsworth

Institution: University of Oregon
Year: 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2152664
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1794/22280


Drosophila neural stem cells (neuroblasts) are a powerful model system for investigating stem cell self-renewal, specification of temporal identity, and progressive restriction in competence. Notch signaling is a conserved cue that is an important determinant of cell fate in many contexts across animal development; for example mammalian T cell differentiation in the thymus and neuroblast specification in Drosophila are both regulated by Notch signaling. However, Notch also functions as a mitogen, and constitutive Notch signaling potentiates T cell leukemia as well as Drosophila neuroblast tumors. While the role of Notch signaling has been studied in these and other cell types, it remains unclear how stem cells and progenitors change competence to respond to Notch over time. Notch is required in type II neuroblasts for normal development of their transit amplifying progeny, intermediate neural progenitors (INPs). Here we find that aging INPs lose competence to respond to constitutively active Notch signaling. Moreover, we show that reducing the levels of the old INP temporal transcription factor Eyeless/Pax6 allows Notch signaling to promote the de-differentiation of INP progeny into ectopic INPs, thereby creating a proliferative mass of ectopic progenitors in the brain. These findings provide a new system for studying progenitor competence, and identify a novel role for the conserved transcription factor Eyeless/Pax6 in blocking Notch signaling during development. This dissertation includes previously published, co-authored materialAdvisors/Committee Members: Herman, Tory (advisor).

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