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I don't consider them bad: The weekend experience ofsenior center regulars who live alone

by Anastacia Thomas

Institution: Miami University
Year: 2017
Keywords: Gerontology; senior center; aging; gerontology; weekends; older adults; socialization; loneliness; activities
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2153002
Full text PDF: http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1493382263874611


Senior centers provide numerous benefits over theweek, but what do senior center `regulars (those who attend fouror more times per week) who live alone do while the center isclosed? The literature suggests that senior center attendees havenegative weekend experiences (Aday, Kehoe & Farney, 2006).However, little is known about the socialization, nutrition, andactivities that `regulars experience over the weekend. Thisinvestigation used two descriptive qualitative interviews combinedwith a weekend log to shed light on participants weekendexperience. Five senior center `regulars from a rural Midwesternsenior center participated in the study. The data were separatedinto two domains (meaning of the center and weekend experience),coded, and themes emerged. For participants, the senior centermeant: Its a place for socialization, Something to do, Idont eat as well when Im by myself, and Im treasured. Fourthemes emerged from discussions of the weekend experience: Justvisit, Im not going to cook for me, I just do simple things,and I wouldnt consider them bad. Surprisingly, this group ofsenior center `regulars did not view their weekends negatively andhad numerous social interactions, although they do not preparetheir own food over the weekends. These findings indicate apotential need for supplemental weekend transportation andnutrition services.Advisors/Committee Members: Abbott, Katherine (Committee Chair).

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