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Transport Properties of Chiral Fermions

by Matthias Puhr

Institution: Universitt Regensburg
Year: 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2153485
Full text PDF: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/35622


Anomalous transport phenomena have their origin in the chiral anomaly, the anomalous non-conservation of the axial charge, and can arise in systems with chiral fermions. The anomalous transport properties of free fermions are well understood, but little is known about possible corrections to the anomalous transport coefficients that can occur if the fermions are strongly interacting.The main goal of this thesis is to study anomalous transport effects in media with strongly interacting fermions. In particular, we investigate the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) in a Weyl Semimetal (WSM) and the Chiral Separation Effect (CSE) in finite-density Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).The recently discovered WSMs are solid state crystals with low-energy excitations that behave like Weyl fermions. The inter-electron interaction in WSMs is typically very strong and non-perturbative calculations are needed to connect theory and experiment. To realistically model an interacting, parity-breaking WSM we use a tight-binding lattice Hamiltonian with Wilson-Dirac fermions. This model features a non-trivial phase diagram and has a phase (Aoki phase/axionic insulator phase) with spontaneously broken CP-symmetry, corresponding to the phase with spontaneously broken chiral symmetry for interacting continuum Dirac fermions. We use a mean-field ansatz to study the CME in spatially modulated magnetic fields and find that it vanishes in the Aoki phase. Moreover, our calculations show that outside of the Aoki phase the electron interaction has only a minor influence on the CME. We observe no enhancement of the magnitude of the CME current.For our non-perturbative study of the CSE in QCD we use the framework of lattice QCD with overlap fermions. We work in the quenched approximation to avoid the sign problem that comes with introducing a finite chemical potential on the lattice. The overlap operator calls for the evaluation of the sign function of a matrix with a dimension proportional to the volume of the lattice. For reasonably large lattices it is not feasible to compute the matrix sign function exactly and one has to resort to approximation methods. To compute conserved currents for the overlap operator it is necessary to take derivatives of the overlap operator with respect to the U(1) lattice gauge field. Depending on which approximation is used to evaluate the overlap operator it is not always clear how to compute this derivative. We develop and implement a new numerical method to take derivatives of matrix functions. This method makes it possible to calculate the conserved currents of the finite-density overlap operator with high precision and opens the way to explore anomalous transport phenomena on the lattice.We study the CSE in the confining and deconfining phase of QCD. On very small lattices we observe corrections to the CSE in the phase with broken chiral symmetry, which seem to be of topological origin. For larger lattices we find that in both phases the CSE current is the same as for free fermions. AnomaleAdvisors/Committee Members: Buividovich, Pavel (advisor).

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