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Will the Congruence between Applicants Gender and Gender-Trait in their Resume Influence Interviewers Resume Screening? A Scenario Study of Fictitious Resume

by Ying-Hung Huang

Institution: NSYSU
Year: 2017
Keywords: gender; gender traits; congruence; resume screening
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2153660
Full text PDF: http://etd.lib.nsysu.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search/view_etd?URN=etd-1001117-195814


Resume has different aspects for applicants and employers. For applicants, resume is the necessity while applying for the job. For employers, resume serves as one of the screening tools before interviewing applicants. Besides, the brief autobiography has been taken seriously by employers, due to the characteristics of the brief autobiography such as showing applicants personality, logic, and writing skills. Nowadays, employers screen applicants resumes and their brief autobiography as well.Previous research on the congruence of individuals gender and gender traits, reveal that individuals suffered from disadvantaged outcomes in incongruent conditions, such as being less likely to be chosen during interviews or being teased by peers. In this study, the author will examine the congruence of applicants gender on the resume and gender traits on the brief autobiography, to explore the effect of congruence between their gender and gender traits.This study is to investigate the relationships between congruence of applicants gender-gender traits and the screening results, and how evaluators seniority and HR experience affect on this relationship.The questionnaires were collected from 160 employees from different companies, and 140 of questionnaires were valid. The results of this study included:1. Incongruence of applicants gender-gender traits has positive effect on applicants possibility of being interviewed further and possibility of being hired.2. Evaluators seniority has no moderating effect on relationships between congruence of applicants gender-gender traits and the screening results.3. Evaluators HR experience has no moderating effect on relationships between congruence of applicants gender-gender traits and the screening results.Advisors/Committee Members: Li-Fang Zhou (chair), Chin-Kang Jen (committee member), Ming-Yan Li (chair).

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