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Timing analysis in existing and emerging cyber physical systems

by Jung-Eun Kim

Institution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Year: 2017
Keywords: Cyber-physical systems; Timing analysis; Multicore; Input/output (I/O); Hierarchical scheduling; Resource management; Global scheduling; Schedulability; Schedulability analysis; Rate monotonic; Smart city; Internet of Things (IoT); Freshness; Validi
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2153999
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2142/97405


A main mission of safety-critical cyber-physical systems is to guarantee timing correctness. The examples of safety- critical systems are avionic, automotive or medical systems in which timing violations could have disastrous effects, from loss of human life to damage to machines and/or the environment.Over the past decade, multicore processors have become increasingly common for their potential of efficiency, which has made new single-core processors become relatively scarce. As a result, it has created a pressing need to transition to multicore processors. However, existing safety-critical software that has been certified on single-core processors is not allowed to be fielded on a multicore system as is. The issue stems from, namely, serious inter- core interference problems on shared resources in current multicore processors, which create non-deterministic timing behavior. Since meeting the timing constraints is the crucial requirement of safety-critical real-time systems, the use of more than one core in a multicore chip is currently not certified yet by the authorities. Academia has paid relatively little attention to non-determinism due to uncoordinated I/O communications, as compared with other resources such as cache or memory, although industry considers it as one of the most troublesome challenges. Hence we focused on I/O synchronization, requiring no information of Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) that can get impacted by other interference sources. Traditionally, a two-level scheduling, such as Integrated Modular Avionics system (IMA), has been used for providing temporal isolation capability. However, such hierarchical approaches introduce significant priority inversions across applications, especially in multicore systems, ultimately leading to lower system utilization. To address these issues, we have proposed a novel scheduling mechanism called budgeted generalized rate monotonic analysis (Budgeted GRMS) in which different applications tasks are globally scheduled for avoiding unnecessary priority inversions, yet the CPU resource is still partitioned for temporal isolation among applications. Incorporating the issues of no information of WCETs and I/O synchronization, this new scheduling paradigm enables the safe use of multicore processors in safety-critical real-time systems.Recently, newly emerging Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart City applications are becoming a part of cyber- physical systems, as the needs are required and the feasibility are getting visible. What we need to pay attention to is that the promises and challenges arising from IoT and Smart City applications are providing new research landscapes and opportunities and fundamentally transforming real-time scheduling. As mentioned earlier, in traditional real-time systems, an instance of a program execution (a process) is described as a scheduling entity, while, in the emerging applications, the fundamental schedulable units are chunks of data transported over communication media. Another transformation is that, in IoT andAdvisors/Committee Members: Sha, Lui Raymond (advisor), Sha, Lui Raymond (Committee Chair), Abdelzaher, Tarek (committee member), Bradford, Richard (committee member), Kirlik, Alex (committee member).

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