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Investigating the effectiveness of posture coaching and feedback during patient handling activities in a student nursing population

by Ramez Doss

Institution: University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Year: 2017
Keywords: Musculoskeletal disorders; Feedback; Student nurse; Patient handling; Low back pain
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2156004
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10155/783


The daily routine of nurses and other caregivers is physically demanding and in turn, the profession is at a high risk of developing musculoskeletal injuries and/or disorders (MSDs). This thesis has two sections. The purpose of the first section (the pilot study) was to perform a preliminary biomechanical analysis of trunk kinematics and muscle activity during common patient handling activities to aid in the determination of coaching for a follow up feedback study. The second section determined the effects of a feedback intervention (combined verbal and auditory) on trunk kinematics during simulated patient handling tasks in a student nursing population. Nine student nurses participated. Participants performed three commonly used patient-handling tasks before, during and after an intervention session. The largest reductions in trunk angle, acceleration and velocity were found in the most complex transfer, bed-to-chair. The feedback session improved peak kinematics, and this could suggest that the feedback intervention may help reduce the risk of low back pain associated with patient handling. There is a continuing need to ensure that caregivers are properly trained to protect themselves and their patients during patient handling tasks when assistive devices are not available such as in transferring a patient from the bed to the wheelchair.Advisors/Committee Members: Holmes, Michael, Murphy, Bernadette.

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