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Pt(II) complexes as scaffolds in supramolecular assemblies : Complexes de platine (II) comme ossatures dans les assemblages supramolculaires

by Stephan Sinn

Institution: Universit de Strasbourg
Year: 2017
Keywords: Complexes de Pt(II); Senseurs chimiques; Phosphorescence; Particules pseudo-virales; Matriaux hybrides fonctionnels; Pt(II) complexes; Chemosensors; Phosphorescence; Virus like particles; Hybrid functional materials; 541.3
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2156117
Full text PDF: http://www.theses.fr/2017STRAF015


Cette thse se concentre sur la synthse et lanalyse photophysique de complexes de Pt(II) luminescents and leur assemblage aprs agrgation. Multiples motifs supramolculaires ont t utilis pour acqurir un contrle sur lassemblage de ces complexes plan-carrs.Des ossatures de type couronne-ther furent attachs des complexes mtalliques phosphorescents pour donner un bouton supramolculaire qui peut tre actionn par des cations potassium. De plus, laltration de larrangement de lempilage des Pt(II) aprs coordination dun ligand fut exploit pour la ralisation dun senseur chimique qui peut tre utilis pour la dtection diffrentielle daza-htrocylces. Par ailleurs, linstallation dun motif pont hydrogne un complexe de Pt(II) luminescent fut tablie, donnant un compos ayant un organisation 2D sur graphne. Finalement, des complexes de Pt(II) amphiphiles qui sauto-assemblent en solution aqueuse dans des agrgats hautement luminescents furent synthtiss. La srie de complexes soluble dans leau, chargs ngativement ou neutres furent caractriss par rapport leurs paramtres photophysiques et leurs interactions avec des protines capsides virales. The presented thesis focused on the synthesis and photophysical investigation of luminescent Pt(II) complexes and their resulting assemblies that form upon aggregation. Multiple supramolecular motifs were utilized in order to gain control over the assembling behavior of the square-planar complexes. Crown-ether scaffolds were tethered with the phosphorescent metal complexes rendering a supramolecular switch that can be triggered by potassium cations. Moreover, alteration of the Pt(II)-stacking arrangement upon ligand coordination was exploited to realize a chemosensor that can be employed for of differential detection of aza-heterocycles. Furthermore, the installation of a H-bond motif to a luminescent Pt(II) complex was established, which resulted in a compound forming a two-dimensional organization on graphene. Finally, amphiphilic Pt(II) complexes were synthesized that self-assemble into highly luminescent aggregates in aqueous solutions. The series of water soluble neutral and negatively charged metal complexes were characterized with respect to their photophysical parameters and their interactions with virus coat proteins.Advisors/Committee Members: De Cola, Luisa (thesis director), Lehn, Jean-Marie (thesis director).

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