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Molecular mechanism of early metastatic breast cancer dissemination

by Hedayatollah Hosseini

Institution: Universitt Regensburg
Year: 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2157272
Full text PDF: http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/35734


Current cancer therapies generally assume cancers to progress linearly from primary to metastatic sites. The model postulates a stepwise accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations within the primary tumor, and therefore, primary tumors may be used as surrogate markers for disseminated cancer cells. However, this model is challenged by (i) the insufficient therapy success and (ii) the genomic disparity between disseminated cancer cells (DCCs) and their matched primary tumors when isolated at surgery. The genomic disparity suggests that metastatic dissemination may occur early during tumor formation, however the mechanisms of early metastatic spread are unknown so far.To uncover mechanisms of early metastatic dissemination we microdissected mammary tissue from a Her2-driven mouse model (Balb-NeuT) of breast cancer before and after microscopic invasion and performed gene expression analysis. Identified pathways were tested in a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments. Finally, the findings were validated in a panel of human breast cancer cell lines and investigation of more than 2000 patient samples.Gene expression profiling identified a distinct signature at the time point of maximal seeding when only pre-invasive mammary lesions could be identified. The morphology of pre-invasive lesions coincided with a transient time window of progesterone receptor (PgR) and Her2 co-expression. Upon functional testing progesterone-induced signaling triggered migration of stem-like cells from early lesions shortly after Her2 activation, but promoted proliferation in advanced primary tumor cells. The switch from migration to proliferation was regulated by elevated Her2 expression and increased cell density involving miRNA-regulated PgR down-regulation. The combined result was a differential response of cancer cells to progesterone and its paracrine-signal mediators Wnt4 and Rankl imposing stemness and migration at low and proliferation at high cellular density. Exploring human breast cancer cell lines we confirmed the observed phenotypes and mechanisms. Molecular-genetic and transcriptomic analysis of DCCs isolated from the bone marrow of breast cancer patients provided strong support for early metastatic dissemination. Finally, we identified a subtype of breast cancer mimicking the Balb-NeuT model closest.We identify microenvironmental signaling (PgR signaling), oncogenic signaling (Her2) and cellular density as central regulators of early dissemination and metastasis. In light of the patient-derived data we suggest that (i) dissemination is mostly early and (ii) clones that evolved over time at the primary site and became pre-dominant are less able to disseminate. We predict the findings not only to be relevant for Her2-driven cancers but for many other cancers as well. Etwa 90% der krebsbedingten Todesflle werden durch Metastasen verursacht. Ein tieferes Verstndnis der Streuung und dem Auswachsen von Krebszellen in Zielorganen ist wichtig, um zuknftig bessere Behandlungsmethoden entwickeln zu knnen. Advisors/Committee Members: Klein, Christoph A. (advisor), Meister, Gunter (advisor), Warth, Richard (advisor).

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