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by Xiaofeng Gao
Institution: | Universit de Strasbourg |
Year: | 2017 |
Keywords: | Quasi-fragiles; Rsistance nominale; Dure de vie en fatigue; Modlisation par lments discrets; Quasi-brittle; Nominal strength; Fatigue life; Discrete element modeling; 531.3; 624.1 |
Posted: | 02/01/2018 |
Record ID: | 2159726 |
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Lestimation de la dure de vie et de la rupture de structures composes par des matriaux quasi-fragiles ncessite le dveloppement de nouveaux modles thoriques et numriques. Dans ce travail, la modlisation de lapparition des fissures et leur propagation en chargement monotone est d'abord tudie. Un modle d'effet de taille pour les structures fissures et sa forme gnralise pour les structures prsentant des dfauts plus complexes quune fissure sont dvelopps. Les prdictions du modle de rupture sont compares des rsultats exprimentaux de la littrature pour divers spcimens composs de diffrents matriaux et de diffrentes tailles. Des chantillons prsentant des dfauts initiaux en forme de V et en forme de trou illustrent les capacits de la formulation. Ensuite, lendommagement et la fissuration induite par des chargements cycliques en fatigue sont discuts. Un modle local en lments discrets est dvelopp, qui permet de coupler les deux mcanismes (endommagement et fissuration). Les prdictions numriques sont compares aux rsultats thoriques et exprimentaux. la fin, les applications associes au comportement du bton bitumineux renforc par des grilles en fibres de verres sont analyses en dtail. The prediction of the fatigue life and the rupture of structures made of quasi-brittle materials requires the development of new theoretical and numerical models. In this work, the modelling of the crack initiation and propagation under monotonic loading is firstly investigated. A size effect model for cracked structures and its generalized form for structures with defects more complex than a crack are developed. The predictions of the proposed model are compared with experimental results from the literature for various specimens of different materials and sizes. Samples with initial V-shaped and hole-shaped defects exemplify the formulation's capabilities. Then, the damage and cracking induced by cyclic fatigue loads is discussed. A local model using discrete elements is developed, that allows the coupling of two mechanisms (damage and fatigue cracking). The numerical results are compared to those of experimental bending fatigue tests. Finally, applications associated with the behavior of fiber glass reinforced asphalt concrete are analyzed in detail.Advisors/Committee Members: Chazallon, Cyrille (thesis director), Descantes, Yannick (thesis director).
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