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Crafting positions : representations of intimacy and gender in The Sentients of Orion

by Dorothea Boshoff

Institution: University of South Africa
Year: 2017
Keywords: Intimacy; Science fiction; Gender; Sexual intercourse; Feminist science fiction; Space opera; Post-structuralist feminism; The Sentients of Orion; Marianne de Pierres; Gender fluidity
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2160137
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10500/23473


This study comprises a close reading and textual analysis of The Sentients of Orion, aspace opera series by Australian author Marianne de Pierres, with a view to investigatingthe representations of gender in modern, popular science fiction by women authors. Ihypothesise that de Pierres will pose a fictional enquiry into gender, based on the richnessof science fiction by women, but that a closer examination of physical and emotionalintimacy (both positive and negative) in these less literary works will prove de Pierresgender enquiry to be superficial and inconsistent in nature. My main approach is aqualitative exploration of selected incidents through the theoretical lenses of feminist literary criticism, gender theory and, where applicable, queer theory. While I draweclectically on these interpretive paradigms, my approach is most closely aligned withpoststructuralist feminism. Proving the first part of my hypothesis, my findings show thatde Pierres does pose an enquiry into gender through her portrayal of plot and character.The particular focus on the intimacies involving the heroine, women, men, and aliencharacters, proves the second part of my hypothesis incorrect as it reveals how de Pierresnot only deeply and consistently challenges the heteronormative status quo, questioningdynamics in relationships, gender roles, ageism, sexism and societal stereotypes, but alsoprovides possible alternatives.Advisors/Committee Members: Byrne, D. C. (Deirdre C.) (advisor).

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