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Gene expression profiles of T cells after adoptive transfer in a mouse model of pancreatic carcinoma

by Yi Zeng

Institution: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt
Year: 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2161601
Full text PDF: https://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/20418/


Adoptive transfer of T cells has emerged as a promising novel strategy in the treatment of cancer. The thesis project presented here investigated the molecular signatures of adoptively transferred murine T cells in vivo, which might reveal factors that influence effective T cell therapy.A subcutaneous tumor model was established using the murine Panc02-OVA pancreatic cancer cell line in wild type C57BL/6 female mice. Following retroviral transduction, GFP-transduced OT-1 T cells were infused into tumor-bearing mice. One week later, lymphocytes from tumor and spleen were harvested, and GFP+-OT-1 T cells were sorted by flow cytometry. mRNA was extracted from sorted GFP+ T cells, and gene expressions were analyzed by RT-PCR arrays. Candidate genes were confirmed both at mRNA and protein level.RT-PCR array of the transferred T cells infiltrated into tumors demonstrated a distinct gene expression profile including 1) over-expression of activation as well as exhaustion markers, such as PD-1 and CTLA-4; 2) expression of distinct transcription factors and epigenetic regulation genes; 3) changes in T cell receptor signaling pathway; 4) altered expression of chemokines and chemokine receptors, including increased expression of CCR8. CCL1, the ligand for CCR8, was also found upregulated in tumor tissue. In conclusion, RT-PCR arrays of tumor infiltrating T-cells revealed altered expression of factors involving T cell differentiation. These might distinguish effective T cells from ineffective T cells in this mouse model, and give hints for further T cell manipulation to improve the efficacy adoptive T-cell therapy. Der adoptive T-Zelltransfer ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz zur Tumorimmuntherapie. Ziel meiner Dissertation war es, die T-Zell-mRNA-Expressionsprofile nach adoptivem Zell-Transfer in Tumor tragende Muse zu analysieren. OT-1 transgene T Zellen wurden mit GFP transduziert. Die transduzierten OT-1 T Zellen wurden daraufhin adoptiv in Wildtyp-Musen mit subkutanen Panc02-OVA Pankreaskarzinomen, die das Modellantigen Ovalbumin (OVA) prsentieren, transferiert. Nach einer Woche wurden GFP-positive T Zellen aus den Tumoren und den Milzen mittels Durchflusszytometrie durch FACS sorting isoliert. Nachfolgend wurde die Gen-Expression der FACS-sortierten T-Zellen mittels RT-PCR Array quantifiziert. Die Expression von Kandidatengenen wurde auf Proteinebene mittels Durchflusszytometrie und ELISA besttigt. Die Tumor infiltrierenden T-Zellen zeigten: 1) berexpression von aktivierenden als auch von inhibitorischen Rezeptoren, wie z. B. CTLA-4 und PD-1; 2) Expression von Transkriptionsfaktoren und Enzymen fr epigenetische Regulationsvorgnge; 3) Vernderungen der TCR-Signaltransduktion; 4) erhhte Expression des Chemokinrezeptors CCR8. Ergnzend dazu wurden erhhte Spiegel von CCL1, dem Liganden fr CCR8, im Tumorgewebe gemessen. Die Genexpressionsanalyse von T-Zellen nach adoptivem Transfer im Mausmodell knnte zur Aufklrung von Vernderungen in T-Zellen nach Transfer beitragen. Dies kann die Grundlage fr neueAdvisors/Committee Members: Endres, Stefan (advisor).

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