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by Zhaocheng Zeng

Institution: McMaster University
Year: 2017
Keywords: Entrepreneurship education
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2161749
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/11375/21084


This thesis aims to develop a deeper understanding of entrepreneurship education as a type of entrepreneurship support. We study the overall entrepreneurship support systems, the pedagogical models developed for students with different level of entrepreneurship experience, and the long-term influences of entrepreneurship education on students. Entrepreneurship education and training has become very popular in universities, colleges, and business development centers world-wide, and has been of great interest in academia also. However, the entrepreneurship teaching is usually not informed by solid theories, and students different learning needs are not taken into consideration. In addition, the long-term influences of entrepreneurship education on students are unclear. This thesis consists of four manuscripts, each of which is a co-authored paper that presents an individual study. Study 1 is a comprehensive literature review of 122 journal articles that disentangles multiple conceptualizations used to research entrepreneurship support and examines the effectiveness of each source and type of support. We present our theorizations found and explore how three prevailing management theories could motivate theoretical refinements in the field. We also identify areas for future research and offer guidance on how to improve the relevance of entrepreneurship support studies. Study 2 develop a set of conceptual models anchored in learning theory regarding how entrepreneurship education should be taught to students. These conceptual models are built on the techniques of entrepreneurship pedagogy such as experiential learning. They are developed for three groups of students: students without any entrepreneurship experience, students with previous entrepreneurship experience, and students who are currently running their start-ups. A set of potential variables that could be used for course evaluation purposes is also included. Choosing a model pertinent to students attributes, lecturers could hence design entrepreneurship courses suitable for the students. This study also provides novel insights into educators design of entrepreneurship programs. Study 3 is an approximately four-year quantitative longitudinal study examining the stability of students attitude, perceived behavior control, subjective norm, and intention to entrepreneurship over time, and the role of entrepreneurship education in this process. Findings have implications for interpreting extant entrepreneurial literature, and policy and practice related to nascent entrepreneurship development and support. The results support our argument that the theoretical and practical value of entrepreneurship literature should hinge on the temporal stability of the attitudinal and intentional constructs used. Study 4 is a qualitative study exploring what are the important knowledge/skills students learned from the entrepreneurship courses they took on average five years previously, which pedagogical approach seems most effective, whether the courses areAdvisors/Committee Members: Honig, Benson, Business Administration.

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