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by David Abell

Institution: Temple University
Year: 2017
Keywords: Banking; Finance;
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2166416
Full text PDF: http://digital.library.temple.edu/u?/p245801coll10,453289


Economics This dissertation continues the tradition of identifying the effects of economic shocks to financial intermediaries. Its main contribution is to estimate the size of credit market disruptions in the form of government intervention, asset market crises, and competitive pressures, while using methods that are more novel and appropriate than those of previous work. Chapter 1 examines the effect of the elimination of U.S. banking regulations, which are intended to expand the access of financial services within states and across state-lines, on entrepreneurship activity. It finds that there was increase in small business formation following the deregulation of interstate banking, but not intrastate banking. Results indicate allowing banks to lend and take deposits across state lines increases small business formation by up to 8%. There is a delayed impact following the passage of legislation indicating credit markets require time to adjust to the new regulatory environment. Heterogeneous effects exist across firm sizes in terms of economic impact magnitude and timing. The main contribution of the chapter is that examines the impact on entrepreneurship in separate periods after the initial passing and on subsets of small businesses. Whereas Chapter 1 estimates the effect of a foreseen event, Chapter 2 focuses on the impact of unexpected housing crisis on financial intermediaries loan servicing decisions. As the housing market worsened mortgage lenders could not rely solely on foreclosure processes to reduce losses on homes in default, rather many found the need to engage in modifying loan terms to allow borrowers to continue making mortgage payments. Modifications that increased the affordability of monthly payments were effective at halving the cumulative 36-month redefault rate for mortgages between 2008 and 2011. Findings indicate the improving economy and mortgage risk characteristics are not enough to explain the reduction in redefault. Instead, results find evidence of learning by-doing i.e., servicers become better at targeting borrowers for modification and providing the appropriate payment relief over time. Voluntary government modification programs serve as guidelines for servicers to design and invest in their own modification processes. The impact of this learning by doing is evident before and after controlling for macroeconomic conditions, borrower characteristics, and loan terms. Previous studies do not effectively isolate the improvement in post-modification with an econometric model using a control group similar to this one. Furthermore, other studies consider only particular servicer subsets of mortgage modifications, such as private securitized, whereas the sample here considers all servicer types and payment reducing modifications. Ultimately, the results indicate mortgage modifications were an effective non-foreclosure alternative to keep homeowners in their homes and monthly payments flowing to mortgage servicers. Chapter 3 examines the impact of changes in bank competition on bankAdvisors/Committee Members: Ritter, Moritz B.;, Webber, Douglas, Leeds, Michael (Michael A.), Scott, Jonathan A.;.

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