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Childrens Participation in Creating the Local Action Plan for Oulunkyl English Kindergarten
by Anna Vinberg
Institution: | Theseus |
Year: | 2017 |
Posted: | 02/01/2018 |
Record ID: | 2166492 |
Full text PDF: | |
The Local Action Plan in the Early Childhood Education Curriculum has been obligatory since 1.8.2017. The purpose of this thesis was to make the children of Oulunkyl English Kindergarten involved in creating their new Local Action Plan through participation. Our objective was to help the staff at Oulunkyl Kindergarten to create a Local Action Plan where the childrens opinions were heard. The thesis is a functional thesis, where we were trying to find out what the children want and have their voices heard. The thesis consists of a literature part and the results of the interviews. We discussed about participation and the different degrees of participation. As a method we interviewed children by using a self-made board game, which was based on the floorplan of the kindergarten. The interviews were carried out in Oulunkyl English Kindergarten. Through the interviews with the children, we collected information that can be included in the Local Action Plan. We asked what they like and what changes they want in their kindergarten. Moreover, we asked for the childrens opinions on the kindergartens activities and ideas for promoting their well-being and safety in the kindergarten.As expected the children had many useful ideas and wishes that we collected during the interviews. After we had analysed the interviews, we made a summary and gave it to Oulunkyl English Kindergarten to use it for the planning of their Local Action Plan. We came to a conclusion that interviewing children with an engaging method, such as using a board game, is an excellent way of promoting childrens participation. Furthermore we emphasise that children can participate even in official matters concerning them, such as in our thesis in the making of the Local Action Plan.; Koska paikallinen varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma on tehty pakolliseksi uudessa varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteissa, alkaen 1.8.2017, tmn opinnytetyn tarkoituksena oli saada Oulunkyln Englanninkielisen Pivkodin lapset mukaan pivkodin paikallisen varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman laatimiseen osallisuuden kautta. Lasten osallisuutta korostetaan nykyn paljon varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tavoitteenamme oli auttaa tyntekijit Oulunkyln Pivkodissa luomaan paikallinen varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma jossa lasten mielipiteet kuultiin. Opinnytety on toiminnallinen, jossa lasten mielipiteet ja toiveet tulevat kuulluksi. Ty koostuu kirjallisuus osuudesta ja tuloksista. Kirjallisessa osuudessa toimme esille muunmuassa osallisuuden eri nkkulmat ja osallisuuden eri asteet. Menetelmn me haastattelimme lapsia itse tehdyn lautapelin avulla. Lautapeli oli pivkodin pohjapiirrustuksen nkinen, joka auttoi haastattelun etenemist. Haastattelut tapahtuivat Oulunkyln Englanninkielisess Pivkodissa. Haastattelujen avulla me kersimme tietoja lapsilta, jotka voidaan sisllytt paikalliseen varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmaan. Me kysyimme heilt mist he pitvt ja mit muutoksia he haluaisivat pivkotiin. Lisksi kysyimme lasten mielipidett pivkodin aktiviteeteista ja ideoita
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