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Analysis of Service Concept Renewal: Case Neste K Linnatuuli
by Jussi Tornberg
Institution: | Theseus |
Year: | 2017 |
Posted: | 02/01/2018 |
Record ID: | 2166497 |
Full text PDF: | |
This thesis was commissioned by the shopkeeper of service station Neste K Linnatuuli. Linnatuulis service concept was renewed in spring 2017. The renewal included several changes in Linnatuulis services, premises and product selections. The purpose of this thesis was to find out how successfully these changes were implemented, by researching how the management of Linnatuuli succeeded in leading the changes and how the personnel experienced the changes. The primary objectives of this thesis were to provide valuable information about the current state of the commissioning organization after the renewal, and to recommend techniques and guidelines that can be utilized in the organizations current state, but also in future changes.The theoretical framework of this thesis primarily comprised of change management and organizational behaviour theories. Furthermore, the author examined motivation and how it is affected by change situations. The field research methods of this thesis were an interview and an online survey: The interview was conducted for the shopkeeper of Linnatuuli and the survey was sent to the personnel of Linnatuuli via email. The research results were analysed based on the theories, and both parties viewpoints regarding the changes were compared.The research revealed several areas that can be considered successful in Linnatuulis change project, but also many areas to improve in. As the recommendations of this thesis, ways for improving change communication, as well as certain styles of leadership to enhance superior work, were provided. Furthermore, suggestions were given of how to fix certain practical issues that had occurred during the change project.; Tm opinnytety tehtiin toimeksiantona liikenneasema Neste K Linnatuulen kauppiaalle. Linnatuulen palvelukonsepti uudistui kevll 2017. Uudistus sislsi erilaisia muutoksia liikenneaseman palveluissa, tiloissa sek tuotevalikoimissa. Opinnytetyn tarkoituksena oli selvitt, kuinka onnistuneesti muutokset toteutettiin tutkimalla, miten Linnatuulen johto onnistui muutosten johtamisessa ja miten henkilst koki muutokset. Selvityksen ensisijaiset tavoitteet olivat tuottaa arvokasta informaatiota organisaation nykytilasta uudistusten jlkeen sek tarjota suosituksia tekniikoista ja ohjenuorista hydynnettvksi niin organisaation nykytilanteessa kuin tulevaisuudenkin muutoksissa.Opinnytetyn teoreettinen viitekehys koostui posin erilaisista muutosjohtamisen ja organisaatiokyttytymisen teorioista. Lisksi tutkimuksen laatija tarkasteli mys sit, miten muutostilanteet vaikuttavat motivaatioon. Empiirisen tutkimuksen menetelmin kytettiin haastattelua ja kyselylomaketta: Linnatuulen kauppiasta haastateltiin ja kyselylomake lhetettiin henkilstlle shkpostitse. Tutkimustuloksia analysoitiin teorioiden pohjalta, ja tutkittavien osapuolten nkkulmia muutoksista mys vertailtiin keskenn analyysiosuudessa.Tutkimus toi esiin useita Linnatuulen muutosprojektin osa-alueita, joita voidaan pit onnistuneina, mutta mys useita kehitettvi
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