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Online payments strategy

by Sofia Cardoso

Institution: Universidade Nova
Year: 2017
Keywords: Consumer behavior; Online transactions; Payments strategy; Reputation; Digital marketing; Millennial consumer; Domnio/rea Cientfica::Cincias Sociais::Economia e Gesto
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2166517
Full text PDF: https://www.rcaap.pt/detail.jsp?id=oai:run.unl.pt:10362/22989


With the recent increase in online purchases, organizations have been able to improvetheir capacity to collect, store and profit from personal and financial data gathering. Onlinepurchases occur in an environment characterized by higher risk levels surrounding thetransaction. Several payment strategies can be applied in order to mitigate the consumersperceived risk and increase trust levels. The present study intends to understand how thepresence of internet seals of approval, and the reputation of the payment provider impactsconsumer trust and online payment perceived risk. The study uses four randomizedexperimental setups to manipulate the independent variables, on a sample size of 324 validresponses, the majority of responses are from people between the ages of 18 and 25 yearsold. The study results demonstrate that new online vendors can mitigate these variables byinvesting in a payment strategy that combines the presence of internet seals of approval logostogether with the presence of payment providers with low reputation.Advisors/Committee Members: Martinez, Lus Fructuoso.

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