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by Marta Figueiredo Rebelo
Institution: | RCAAP |
Year: | 2017 |
Keywords: | Domnio/rea Cientfica::Cincias Sociais::Economia e Gesto |
Posted: | 02/01/2018 |
Record ID: | 2166535 |
Full text PDF: | |
The purpose of this thesis is to understand the perception Instagram users, in other wordsconsumers, have of influencers they follow on Instagram. Consumer perceivedcredibility of influencers, and its impact on the purchase intention, is therefore studied.This dissertation aims to highlight which credibility dimensions better explain thepurchase intention. Gender is also explored to verify behavior differences betweenfemale and male consumers.To better analyze the perceived credibility of influencers and purchase intention, scalespreviously developed were applied and adapted as proposed by Ohanian (1990) andDodds, Monroe & Grewal (1991), respectively.The present study is exploratory and quantitative. It was implemented through an onlinesurvey, where only active Instagram users that follow one or more influencers on theplatform were selected. Overall, 285 valid responses were collected.The results of the present study indicate that perceived attractiveness andtrustworthiness of influencers are the dimensions of credibility that better explainconsumers purchase intention. In what concerns gender differences, it is verified thatmore female than male consumers are influenced by perceived trustworthiness.The developed model aims to support brands and marketers in better understanding theeffects perceived credibility of influencers has on consumption, and of its impact inpurchase intention. O propsito desta tese compreender as percepes que os utilizadores do Instagram,que neste caso so os consumidores, tm para interagir com influenciadores noInstagram. Desta forma, estudado o impacto que a credibilidade percebida pelosconsumidores nestes Influenciadores tem na inteno de compra. Esta dissertao visadestacar quais os tipos de credibilidade que melhor explicam a inteno de compra. Osdois gneros dos consumidores so tambm explorados, de modo a verificar se hdiferenas no comportamento entre os homens e mulheres.Para compreender melhor o impacto que os influenciadores tm nas percepes decredibilidade dos consumidores e na inteno de compra, foram utilizadas e adaptadasescalas previamente propostas por Ohanian (1990) e Dodds, Monroe & Grewal (1991),respectivamente.O presente estudo exploratrio e quantitativo. Na fase de recolha de dados foi feito umquestionrio online, onde foram selecionados apenas os utilizadores do Instagram quese consideram activos e que seguem um ou mais influenciadores na plataforma. No totalforam obtidas 285 respostas vlidas.Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que a atractividade e a confiabilidadepercebida pelos consumidores nos influenciadores so as dimenses de credibilidade quemelhor explicam a inteno de compra. Relativamente s diferenas entre homens emulheres, constata-se que a percepo da confiabilidade de um influenciador tem maisinfluncia nas mulheres do que nos homens.O modelo desenvolvido tem como objectivo auxiliar marcas e marketeers a compreendermelhor o impacto que a credibilidade percebida pelosAdvisors/Committee Members: Afonso, Carolina.
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