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Where are team based incentives more important? : a meta-analysis on the effect of incentives on team based contexts

by Marina Merendeiro Alves

Institution: RCAAP
Year: 2017
Keywords: Gesto de recursos humanos; Equipa de trabalho; Incentivo financeiro; Remunerao do trabalho; Financial incentives; Pay for performance; Team based rewards; Team equit; Team incentives; Meta-analysis; Remunerao de desempenho; Recompensas de equipas; E
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2166752
Full text PDF: https://www.rcaap.pt/detail.jsp?id=oai:repositorio.iscte-iul.pt:10071/14623


Throughout the years a plethora of studies have been conducted on individual incentives.However, with a growing interest of organizations in investing in teams arose the importance toinvestigate team based incentives. Are TBIs really effective? The answer is yes, yet where are theymost effective? This meta-analysis aims to discover where TBI are more effective, will it be in theirteam dynamics, behaviors, goal achievement or outcomes? We examine all possible interactionsamongst variables which might possess greater influence on the contextual factors as well asconsider all settings (laboratory, academic, organizational, sports). Additionally, existentframeworks on team processes and goal setting were considered to have further understanding ofintra and inter group processes. Twenty three effect sizes, taken from thirteen articles, wereinvolved in examining these contextual factors, consequently revealing TBIs were more effectivein team dynamics (r = 0.34). Ao longo dos anos, vrios estudos foram conduzidos sobre incentivos individuais. Com o crescenteinteresse das organizaes em investir em equipas, surgiu a importncia de investigar tambem osincentivos de equipas. Sero estes realmente eficazes? A resposta sim, mas onde? Esta metaanlise visa descobrir onde os incentivos de grupos/equipas so mais efetivos: ser na sua dinmica,comportamentos, metas ou resultados? Examinmos possveis interaes entre variveis quepossam ter maior influncia nos fatores contextuais, considerando todas as areas (laboratrio,acadmico, organizacional, desportivo). Alm disso, consideraram-se que as estruturas existentesnos processos de equipa e na definio de metas possuem maior compreenso dos processos intrae intergrupos. Com base em treze artigos, foram utilizados na analise desses fatores contextuaisvinte e trs tamanhos de efeitos, relevando que, consequentemente que os incentivos de equipativeram mais impacto na dinmica da equipa (r = 0,34)Advisors/Committee Members: Duarte, Henrique.

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