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The study of the relationship between brand image and CSR purchasing behavior

by Huang Chujun

Institution: RCAAP
Year: 2017
Keywords: Responsabilidade social das empresas; Imagem de marca; Criao de valor; Comportamento do consumidor; China; Corporate social responsibility; Stakeholder theory; Brand image; Consumer behavior; Teoria dos stakeholders; Comportamento do consumidor; Dom
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2166754
Full text PDF: https://www.rcaap.pt/detail.jsp?id=oai:repositorio.iscte-iul.pt:10071/14627


JEL Classification: M1, M14 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a hot topic in the recent years.More and more companies start to adopt the CSR strategy and implement the CSRbehavior in order to satisfy their stakeholders in the world.Consumer, as one of the critical member of stakeholders, can positively or negativelyaffect or be affected by the CSR performance of the company. On the other hand, inthe marketing aspect, brand image plays an important role in differentiation and valuecreation. In addition, brand image can affect the purchasing behavior of consumerthrough a series of the complex psychological process. In this dissertation, we aregoing to study the CSR perception of Chinese consumers, and the relationship amongCSR perception, brand image and CSR purchasing behavior.We start the quantitative research by developing a questionnaire, which is handed outto the Chinese respondents through WeChat.In the end, there are two interesting findings in the research: (1) brand image plays asa complete mediator in mediating the relationship between brand awareness and CSRpurchasing behavior; (2) CSR perception plays as a complete mediator in mediatingthe relationship between brand image and CSR purchasing behavior. A Responsabilidade Social das Empresas (RSE) tem sido muito debatida nos ltimosanos. Mais e mais empresas comearam a implementar a Responsabilidade Socialpara satisfazer os seus stakeholders.Os consumidores, enquanto um dos stakehoders mais crticos, podem serpositivamente ou negativamente afetados pelo desempenho da RSE. Por um lado, noaspeto de marketing, a imagem da marca tem um papel importante na diferenciao ecriao de valor. Para alm disso, a imagem da marca pode afetar o comportamentode compra atravs de um processo psicolgico complexo. Nesta dissertao, iremosestudar a perceo referente RSE dos consumidores Chineses e a relao entre aperceo da RSE, a imagem de marca e o comportamento de compra.Iniciamos a anlise quantitativa pelo desenvolvimento de um questionrio, que foidistribudo pelo WeChat.Da pesquisa efetuada destacamos dois resultados: (1) a imagem de marca desempenhaum papel de mediador ao mediar a relao entre a conscincia de marca ecomportamento de compra socialmente responsvel; (2) a perceo deresponsabilidade social desempenha um papel de mediador ao mediar a relao entreimagem de marca e comportamento de compra responsvel.Advisors/Committee Members: Antnio, Nelson, Simaens, Ana.

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