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The use of Sensor Networks to create smart environments
by Andr Filipe Glria
Institution: | RCAAP |
Year: | 2017 |
Keywords: | Engenharia de telecomunicaes; WSN Wireless Sensor Network; Sistemas embebidos; Controlo inteligente; Internet of things; Sensor networks; Smart environments; Communications; Embedded systems; Efficiency; Redes de sensores; Ambientes inteligentes; Co |
Posted: | 02/01/2018 |
Record ID: | 2166755 |
Full text PDF: | |
Internet of Things is taking the world in order to be the next big thing sincethe Internet, with almost every object being connected to gather data and allowcontrol through mobile and web devices. But this revolution has some barrierswith the lack of standardization in communications or sensors.In this dissertation we present a proposal of a system dedicated to creatingsmart environments using sensor networks, with a practical application developedto achieve automation, efficiency and versatility, allowing real-time monitoringand remote control of any object or environment improving user experience, tasksefficiency and leading to costs reduction. The developed system, that includessoftware and hardware, is based on adaptive and Artificial Intelligence algorithmsand low cost IoT devices, taking advantage of the best communication protocols,allowing the developed system to be suited and easily adapted to any specificationby any person.We evaluate the best communication and devices for the desired implementation and demonstrate how to create all the network nodes, including the build ofa custom IoT Gateway and Sensor Node. We also demonstrate the efficiency ofthe developed system in real case scenarios.The main contributions of our study are the design and implementation ofa novel architecture for adaptive IoT projects focus on environment efficiency,with practical demonstration, as well as comparison study for the best suitedcommunication protocols for low cost IoT devices. A Internet of Things est a atingir o mundo de modo a tornar-se a prximagrande revoluo depois da Internet, com quase todos os objectos a estarem ligadospara recolher dados e permitir o controlo atravs de dispositivos mveis. Mas estarevoluo depara-se com vrios desafios devido falta de standards no que toca acomunicaes ou sensores.Nesta dissertao apresentamos uma proposta para um sistema dedicado acriar ambientes inteligentes usando redes de sensores, com uma aplicao prticadesenvolvida para oferecer automao, eficincia e versatilidade, permitindo umamonitorizao e controlo remoto seguro em tempo real de qualquer objecto ouambiente, melhorando assim a experincia do utilizador e a eficincia das tarefasevando a reduo de custos. O sistema desenvolvido, que inclui software e hardware, usa algoritmos adaptveis com Inteligncia Artificial e dispositivos IoT debaixo custo, utilizando os melhores protocolos de comunicao, permitindo queo mesmo seja apropriado e facilmente adaptado para qualquer especificao porqualquer pessoa.Avaliamos os melhores mtodos de comunicao e dispositivos necessrios paraa implementao e demonstramos como criar todos os ns da rede, incluindo aconstruo de IoT Gateway e Sensor Node personalizados. Demonstramos tambma eficcia do sistema desenvolvido atravs da aplicao do mesmo em casos reais.As principais contribuies do nosso estudo passam pelo desenho e implementao de uma nova arquitectura para projectos adaptveis de IoT com foco naeficincia doAdvisors/Committee Members: Cercas, Francisco Antnio Bucho, Souto, Nuno Manuel Branco.
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