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Factorsinfluencing the use of outcome measures by community-basedphysiotherapists in Gauteng Province, South Africa

by Kwena Joyce Mabasa

Institution: University of Pretoria
Year: 2017
Keywords: Community-based rehabilitation; Physiotherapy; Community-based physiotherapy; Outcomemeasures
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2166833
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2263/63044


The use of outcome measures by rehabilitationprofessionals has been advocated for many years; however, routineuse is still lacking. Literature on the factors influencing the useof outcome measures locally is limited; therefore, the purpose ofthis study was to determine the factors that influence the use ofoutcome measures by community-based physiotherapists in GautengProvince. While 75 community-based physiotherapists from GautengProvince invited to participate in the study, 48 community-basedphysiotherapists responded. A descriptive cross-sectional approachwas used in this study. A validated questionnaire was piloted totest its applicability to the South African setting. Thirty-sevenper cent of the participants used at least one outcome measure inpractice. Support from colleagues and positive attitudes wereidentified as factors that facilitated the use while lack ofknowledge, lack of skills and lack of time were identified asbarriers towards the use of outcome measures. The onlystatistically significant relationship found was between the lackof knowledge and the lower level of use of outcome measures. Inconclusion, it was evident that there was poor usage of outcomemeasures by community-based physiotherapists in Gauteng Provinceand the barriers identified ranged from individual level toorganisational level. Recommendations are made regarding policyfor the implementation of policies and guidelines on outcomemeasures and monitoring thereof in form of audits. Specialinterest groups could offer courses on outcome measures andphysiotherapists be encouraged to undergo postgraduate education.Therefore, the researcher suggests that continuous training beprovided within the workplace and outcome measures beadopted.Advisors/Committee Members: Mostert-Wentzel, Karien (advisor).

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