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by David Mushayavanhu
Institution: | University of Pretoria |
Department: | |
Degree: | |
Year: | 2017 |
Keywords: | UCTD |
Posted: | 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM |
Record ID: | 2166846 |
Full text PDF: | |
The PCSA has its roots in the Reformed Tradition, isembedded in the reformed culture, and, as such, it impartedreformed flavour into the community of service in Zimbabwe. Thisthesis offers a historical analysis and reformed theologicalperspective and inquiry relating to the issues of socio-politicsand economics and the role of the PCSA in Zimbabwe from 1890 to1990. It raised pertinent questions on the relevance, implicationsof, and work of, the PCSA; as to whether the celebration of the 100year of mission work in Zimbabwe was of any relevance to thecountry. The study traced, the bearing of socio-political andeconomic influence as they were imparted through reformedperspectives, and interpreted the teachings and practices from athird world perspective. Four themes were used namely: 1.Exploring the Zimbabwean society before Presbyterianism; 2.Examining the missionary Presbyterianism's impact on politicsduring the period under review; 3. Delineating the Presbyterianteachings on politics and economics and, 4. Evaluating itsinfluence in reconstructing the Zimbabwean society. A theoreticalstatement was also tested: PCSA outlines a basis for constructiveinvolvement in socio-politics and economics of Zimbabwe. Successesand failures to develop the socio-political and economic contextof Zimbabwe by PCSA were unearthed, presented and analysed. Thestudy exposed the historical significance of the PCSAs influencein the developments on Zimbabwean history and presents anhistorical account of the PCSA in Zimbabwe, a virgin ground totrade on. The methodology employed mainly included oral history andthe southern approach to Church history with the intention toengage African perspectives. The study utilized archival and oraldata as primary sources, the interpretation form of contextualtheology, and the holistic framework for analyzing history. Thestudy revealed that the PCSA had a special relationship with thecolonial government from the Pioneer Column era, which determinedhow the PCSA responded and made demands on government until thecountry's independence in 1980. It also uncovered how the PCSAmoved from acceptance and collaboration to acceptance andselective rejection of colonial policies, and how the PCSAcontributed to the politics and the role played by themission-educated group in Zimbabwe. The study showed how reformedtheology enabled the PCSA to respond to the socio-political andeconomic situation in Zimbabwe from 1890 to 1990. Extracting fromthis the study further indicated what role the PCSA can play todayas a reformed church in Zimbabwe.Advisors/Committee Members: Pillay, Jerry (advisor).
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