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Conflictresolution and reconciliation within congregations

by Derek Leonard Oppenshaw

Institution: University of Pretoria
Year: 2017
Keywords: Practicaltheology; Hermeneutical spiral; Developmentof a missional church; Resolution; Reconciliation; Quantitative research; Strata; Perception; Behaviour; Destiny; Healthy
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2166847
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2263/63030


The foundational hypothesis to this study is thatcongregations which have a healthy perception and a greaterunderstanding of conflict will develop more effective responses toconflict that will translate into more effective conflictresolution and reconciliation. The process and sustainability ofthe development of a missional church, the context of the study,is pregnant with potential conflict. Untamed conflict has thepropensity to retard, jeopardise or even destroy the developmentof a missional church. When conflict arises, it must be understoodand dealt with theologically. The inherent problem is thatconflict appears to be neither understood nor appreciatedsociologically and theologically. This knowledge and praxis vacuumhas the potential for conflict to translate into inappropriate orineffective responses that do not always make for effectiveresolution and reconciliation. The research focuses mainly on anempirical study based on the four practical theological questionsof Osmer (2008). Participants for this study were randomlyselected from specific sectors of Methodist congregations in thewider Pretoria area. The research explores congregantsperceptions, understanding and views of conflict; their responsesto conflict; and some felt and observed outcomes of conflict. Thepresupposition is that the development of the local missionalchurch would be more effective and efficient when the managementand process of conflict resolution and reconciliation are well ledand well managed. This study confirmed that conflict, despite itsnormalcy and necessity, carries a negative undertone and is mostlyavoided in congregations. This is compounded by the evidence thatthere is little, if any, theological or scriptural understanding ofconflict. There is also no indication that churches intentionallyand purposefully educate their members to appreciate andunderstand conflict. In so doing, churches are harming theirinnate calling as the glory and manifestation of Gods divine gracethrough faith communities for the transformation of all peoples.Yet, the church understands the dangers of unhealthy conflict, andon occasion even expects conflict to arise, although deeming itinappropriate. Practical theological discernment is sought as towhy this may be so and remedial action is proposed to address theproblem of conflict within congregations.Advisors/Committee Members: Nel, M (advisor).

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