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Counting Black Hole Microstates in String Theory

by Jorge Laraa Aragn

Institution: Uppsala University
Year: 2017
Keywords: Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology; Astronomi, astrofysik och kosmologi
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2168805
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-330148


In this project, we explore the area of black holes in String Theory. String Theory has had several successes in describing properties of black holes. Recent progress in String Theory points towards the possibility that black holes should not be thought of as fundamental objects, but rather as statistical descriptions of a huge number of smooth horizonless microstate geometries. We study this deep connection between the microscopic description of black holes and String Theory. The main goal is to understand and learn how some of the modern techniques in String Theory can be applied to model black holes, in particular, calculating an expression for the entropy. The main idea is to construct black hole solutions from intersecting certain types of branes, in the context of Supergravity theories that emerge as low-energy limits of Superstring theories. With this microscopic approach, the aim is to count the number of microstates and then compare with the macroscopic Bekenstein-Hawking entropies. We plan to construct such solutions, for both supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric black holes. Also, this microscopic origin of the black hole entropy could provide new insights to the black hole information paradox. I detta projekt behandlar vi svarta hl i strngteori. Svarta hl r ngra av naturens mest fascinerande objekt. De r indirekt observerade, som mrka objekt av stjrnstorlek, vilka finns i binra system, eller som supermassiva objekt i galaxers centra. Svarta hl r vanligare frekommande i universum n vad vi tidigare har trott. Uppskattningsvis finns 100 miljoner mrka objekt enbart i Vintergatan. Svarta hl dyker upp i allmn relativitetsteori som klassiska materielsningar som gravitationellt har kollapsat till en punkt, en it{singularitet}.Frn en teoretisk synvinkel frser svarta hl oss med laboratorier fr tankeexperiment, dr nya teoretiska ider kan testas. 1976 upptckte Stephen Hawking att svarta hl inte r s svarta - de snder ut vrmestrlning motsvarande en karaktristisk temperatur, Hawking-temperaturen. Termiska egenskaper, ssom Bekenstein-Hawking-entropi, associerades nu med svarta hl. 1996 hrleddes denna entropi med strngteoretiska metoder. Man bestmde de mikroskopiska frihetsgraderna fr ett speciellt slags svarta hl, och sedan dess har strngteori skrdat mnga framgngar inom forskningsomrdet. Hr studerar vi detta djupa samband mellan strngteori och den mikroskopiska beskrivningen av svarta hl. Huvudmlet r att frst hur vissa moderna strngteoretiska tekniker kan appliceras p svarta hlmodeller, framfr allt nr entropin ska berknas.

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