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Comparison ofteaching orientations of an experienced and beginner lecturer infirst year Biology
by Hester Adriana Kriel
Institution: | University of Pretoria |
Department: | |
Degree: | |
Year: | 2017 |
Keywords: | UCTD |
Posted: | 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM |
Record ID: | 2169204 |
Full text PDF: | |
First year students at tertiary institutions findthemselves in an environment that is both exciting andintimidating. This study explores the dynamics of the classroomwhere biology students meet an experienced and a beginner lecturerteaching arguably the most difficult topic in the syllabus,photosynthesis. The study investigated the difference in theirteaching orientations, which was expected to influence the way inwhich they plan and present the lessons, the experiences of thestudents in class, with the emphasis on sections that wereexplained well and on problems that students may still encounterat the end of the lecture. Interview and classroom observationdata were analysed to probe the beliefs, goals and topic specificpedagogical content knowledge of the lecturers in order togenerate a qualitative description of the difference in theirteaching orientations. The data suggests that the difference inthe disciplinary background of the two lecturers influenced theirteaching orientations and their time allocation to differentsections of the content. It was evident from an inductive analysisof journal entries that first year students respond positively tolecturers that are enthusiastic, well prepared and committed todeliver to the best of their abilities. The study concludes thatthe poor performance of students in this topic cannot be ascribedto the difference in the teaching orientations of the twolecturers.Advisors/Committee Members: Potgieter, Marietjie (advisor), Gaspar, A.R.M. (Anabella Regina.
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