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A sociolinguistic investigation of compliments and compliment responses among young Saudis

by Saad Alqarni

Institution: University of Western Sydney
Year: 2017
Keywords: English language; study and teaching; foreign speakers; Saudi Arabian students; speech acts (linguistics); compliments; politeness (linguistics); Thesis (M.Res.) University of Western Sydney, 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2171703
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1959.7/uws:43036


This research investigates, from a sociolinguistic perspective, the speech acts of compliments and compliment responses as realized by eighty Saudi students who study English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The speech acts were investigated in the students use of English as their second language. It aims to identify the semantic and structural formulas used by the participants to express compliments in English and to respond to compliments. The study also examines the roles of the topic of conversation in the realization of compliments. Furthermore, the study investigates gender differences with regard to the use of compliments and compliment responses. A discourse completion test (DCT) consisting of twelve situations was used to collect data from the participants. The analysis of the responses found that the dominant form of compliments used was unbound semantic formulas that were not influenced by the social relationship between the participants. Topics that are socially delicate result in the use of more implicit compliments than explicit compliments. The religious norms require politeness in the interactions between people, and this is reflected in the prevalence of implicit compliments. There is a wide range of compliments used with no fixed pattern of usage. Compliments tend to be given using adjectives rather than verbs. Gender did not appear to affect the nature of usage of compliments and responses. The research suggests that the cultural influences of the English language and western culture may be influencing how young Saudis use compliments.Advisors/Committee Members: Western Sydney University. School of Humanities and Communication Arts (Host institution).

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