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Receptivity to a student created guide to academic integrity : Case: Jyvskyl University of Applied Sciences

by Ulla Ceesay

Institution: Theseus
Year: 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2171868
Full text PDF: http://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/132971


Previous research in 2015 showed that communicating expectations regarding academic integrity to students could be improved at JAMK University of Applied Sciences (JAMK), in Jyvskyl, Finland. In response, a small team of students created a research-based, student-centered academic integrity guide that attempted to present the expectations of the university through the lens of Finnish culture. This report describes the receptivity of the first version of the new guide by students at JAMK. Due to increasing numbers of foreign students at JAMK, communicating and clarifying expectations regarding academic integrity has become an increasingly important part of academic success. It became clear in 2015 that not all students were sufficiently aware of expectations regarding academic integrity, and new cases emerged during the past two years. A by-students, for-students approach was implemented to create a new "student" guide to ethics, and was developed in collaboration with JAMK alumni, faculty advisors, student union representatives, and students, including the researcher of this paper. Four primary challenge areas were identified in 2015, including 1) behaviors in the classroom and across campus, 2) academic writing, 3) cheating with and without intent, and 4) working in groups and teams. Each challenge area is highlighted in the new student guide, and are connected to important underlying Finnish cultural value that drive the institution's expectations. Further, the process of the creation and development of the new student guide is explained through supportive and relevant theories. A case study approach was taken, and a mixed-methods approach was employed through two surveys and one interview. Analysis of the data indicated that there was a low overall awareness of the guide, and that not all teachers connected students to the guide at the beginning of their courses, nor did they place it to their courses' electronic learning platform. It was also discovered that some tutors do address issues related to academic integrity and material in their small tutor groups. As well, the first version of the guide lacked an appealing and practical appearance, and the dissemination of the guide across all stakeholders could be improved. The study concludes with recommended actions.; Aikaisemmat tutkimukset vuodelta 2015 ovat osoittaneet, ett akateemiseen suoraselkisyyteen liittyvien odotuksien viestint voisi olla parempi Jyvskyln Ammattikorkeakoulussa. Opiskelijoista koostuva tiimi on luonut tutkimukseen perustuvan, opiskelijakeskeisen akateemisen suoraselkisyyden oppaan, joka esitt korkeakoulun odotukset suomalaisen kulttuurillisen linssin lpi katsottuna. Tm raportti kuvaa uuden eettisen opiskelijaoppaan ensimmisen version tietoisuuden levimist JAMK:ssa. Lisntyneest ulkomaisten opiskelijoiden mrst johtuen, akateemisen suoraselkisyyden viestint ja selkeyttminen on tullut erityisen trkeksi osaksi akateemista menestyst. Vuonna 2015 kvi ilmi, ett kaikki opiskelijat eivt olleet riittvn

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