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Non-familyemployees' perception of familiness, identification, commitment andcustomer service in a large family business

by Gareth Chamberlain

Institution: University of Pretoria
Year: 2017
Keywords: UCTD
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2174059
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2263/59762


Familiness has emerged as a central theory in thefamily business field yet little research has addressed howfamiliness impacts non-family employees and organisationalperformance in large private family firms. This study investigatesnon-family employee organisational identification and commitment,how these constructs are influenced by familiness and how theycontribute to organisation performance in terms of customerservice. A questionnaire based survey yielding 354 responses wasconducted in a large fourth generation private family business. Themulti-level latent variable constructs and their relationships wereanalysed simultaneously using partial least squares structuralequation modelling to determine the relationship significance andscale of influence. Familiness was found to have a significantrelationship with non-family employee organisationalidentification, commitment and customer service. The structuralmodel explained a large percentage of the latent construct'svariance and had strong statistical power, relevance andpredictability. Organisational identification emerged as the mostimportant factor in the proposed model as it was most influenced byfamiliness and displayed the largest effect on customer service.The findings indicate that the higher organisational performanceoutcomes often attributed to family firms may predominantly be theresult of the familiness resources developing stronger emotionalattachments and organisational identification inemployees.Advisors/Committee Members: Swart, Elana (advisor).

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