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Flexible Filler Corrosion Protection of Unbonded Post-Tension Tendons

by Carlos F Castaneda

Institution: Florida Atlantic University
Year: 2017
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2174568
Full text PDF: http://fau.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/fau:38005


Flexible fillers has recently been implemented as corrosion protection for post-tensioningtendons used in bridge structures in Florida. There are two different explanations whycorrosion could take place: 1. water is able to reach the steel 2. Microbiologica l lyInfluenced Corrosion.The aim of this research is to evaluate corrosion protection effectiveness of five differe ntmicrocrystalline waxes under different environmental conditions. Specimens tested rangedfrom 7-wire steel strands to single wires (12-16 cm). Another aim is the appraisal of waxdegradation by fungi species. Single wires coated with each of the investigated protectionmaterials, were sprayed with suspensions of three different fungi species and a mix of them.For single wires, independent of the environmental condition the specimen with morecorrosion was Nontribos, as well as the filler coated wires contaminated with Fungi. Fungispecies investigated were able to utilize the waxes as carbon source and caused differe ntextents of MIC. 2017 Degree granted: Thesis(M.S.) FloridaAtlanticUniversity, 2017. Collection: FAUAdvisors/Committee Members: Presuel-Moreno, Francisco Dr. (Thesis advisor), College of Engineering & Computer Science (Degree grantor).

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