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Automatic comparison of interactomes

by Guterres de Igor

Institution: Universidade do Porto
Year: 2017
Keywords: Cincias da computao e da informao; Cincias exactas e naturais::Cincias da computao e da informao
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2175186
Full text PDF: http://www.rcaap.pt/detail.jsp?id=oai:repositorio-aberto.up.pt:10216/102734


A clula o bloco de construo bsico para a existncia da vida. O ncleo da clula contm o seu prprio DNA, o qual composto por genes. Por outro lado, a maioria dos genes contm as informaes necessrias para criar molculas funcionais chamadas protenas, usando interaes de protenas possvel criar redes biolgicas que podem ser denominadas interactomas. O conhecimento de interactomas essencial para a nossa compreenso das funes celulares e a origem de muitas doenas. No entanto, no trivial comparar tais redes, uma vez que o nome das protenas varia de espcie para espcie, alm disso, as redes foram maioritarimente estabelecidas em modelos de espcies humanas, onde apenas 10% das interaes foram descobertas.Uma vez que existe uma grande quantidade de redes metablicas comuns entre diferentes espcies, possivel utilizar a informao de um interactoma especfico de uma espcie bem estudada e procurar "genes em falta" em espcies no to bem estudadas. A pesquisa do bilogo ir ento ser focada na deteco de genes previstos nas espcies menos estudadas em vez de fazer uma "busca cega de genes".O objetivo principal desta dissertao projetar, implementar e testar, uma ferramenta, que permite a comparao de interactomas pertencentes a espcies iguais ou diferentes e apresente essas interaes de genes. Cell are the basic building block for life existence. The cell nucleous houses its own DNA, which is composed by genes. On the other hand, most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins, using protein interactions it is possible to create biological networks which can be named interactomes. The knowledge of interactomes are essential for our understanding of cellular functions and the origin of many diseases. However, it is not trivial to compare such networks, since the name of proteins varies from species to species, besides that, networks were mostly established in model species such humans and only 10 % of protein interaction were predicted.Since there is a lot of common metabolic networks among different species one can use the information of a specific interactome of a well studied species and look for "missing genes" in a, not so well, studied species. The biologist research will then focus on detecting the predicted genes in the less studied species instead of making a "blind search for genes".The main goal of this dissertation is to design, implement and test, a tool, that enables the comparison of interactomes that belongs to same or different species and present these genes interactions.Advisors/Committee Members: Faculdade de Engenharia.

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