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Characterization of 167 dog aggression situations in Avignon, France

by Ivo Alexandre Godinho

Institution: Repositrio Cientfico Lusfona
Year: 2017
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2176099
Full text PDF: http://www.rcaap.pt/detail.jsp?id=oai:recil.grupolusofona.pt:10437/8095


Os autores deste estudo retrospetivo analisaram 167 situaes de agresso canina, provenientes de 59 ces, de uma clinica especializada em comportamento animal em Coustellet, Frana. As situaes de agresso foram interpretadas com recurso ao Triggering aggression situation scheme (TASS) e classificadas em relao s vtimas, grau de perigo e problemas comportamentais do co. Foram identificadas quatro situaes particularmente perigosas: contacto positivo, manipulaes foradas, entrar ou sair de um local e passar perto do co. As vtimas foram maioritariamente adultos que coabitavam com o co agressor. A anlise s crianas agredidas, grupo de indivduos caracterizado como mais frgil, permitiu identificar vrias situaes de risco, como por exemplo, interaes positivas. A maior parte dos ces apresentava um perfil assertivo mas determinadas situaes, como contacto fsico e entrar ou sair de um local, registaram uma maior prevalncia de ces com perfil de falta de autocontrolo. O TASS est ainda numa fase inicial de desenvolvimento mas tem potencial para ser aplicado por cientistas, para melhor compreender a agressividade canina, e por veterinrios e comportamentalistas no auxlio ao diagnstico e preveno de agressividade em ces. The authors of this study present the results of a retrospective study using 167 aggression situations from 59 dogs provided by a behaviour referral practice in Coustellet, France. The aggression situations were interpreted using the Triggering aggression situation scheme (TASS) and classified according to victim, risk of injury and dogs behaviour profile. Four situations were identified as particularly dangerous: positive interactions, forced manipulations, entering or leaving a place and passing near the dog. Most victims were adults and family members although some situations, like positive interactions, showed a high incidence of attacks on children. Assertive dogs were predominant in all analysed situations but specific situations like physical contact and entering or leaving a place showed a high incidence of fearful dogs and others of lacking self-control dogs, like giving a command, simply by being present or when passing near the dog. TASS is still being developed but it shows great potential to be used by scientists to better understand canine aggression and by behaviourists in the prevention and diagnosis of aggressive behaviour and related problems. Orientao: Raquel Matos; orientao externa: Gonalo da Graa PereiraAdvisors/Committee Members: Matos, Raquel, orient., Pereira, Gonalo da Graa, orient. externo.

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