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User innovation in healthcare : a perspective across developing countries

by Joo Pedro Silva

Institution: RCAAP
Year: 2017
Keywords: User innovation; Healthcare; Developing countries; Complementary assets; Socioeconomic; Inovao por utilizadores; Sade; Pases subdesenvolvidos; Ativos complementares; Fatores socioeconmicos; Inovao reversa; Domnio/rea Cientfica::Cincias Sociais::Econ
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2176122
Full text PDF: http://www.rcaap.pt/detail.jsp?id=oai:repositorio.ucp.pt:10400.14/22734


The healthcare sector faces vital challenges, on the one hand the spread of chronicdiseases at a global scale. On the other hand, rising delivery costs in healthcare create anecessity for innovation.Research show patients and caregivers as one of the sources for innovation inhealthcare, by self-providing treatments, therapies or medical devices to better cope withtheir unmet needs, imposed by health disorders commercially unattractive for medicalmanufacturers investment (Oliveira et al., 2015).Van der Boor et al. (2014) concluded that high levels of need, the existence of flexibleplatforms, and the access to information and communication technology, contribute to theoccurrence of this phenomenon in the developing world.Our research questions are: What are the major drivers for user innovation inhealthcare, in developing countries? Which socio-economic factors influence userinnovations development in these countries? Which local complementary assets affectentrepreneurship? To what extent can user solutions, created in developing countries, beadopted in developed regions?We applied a multiple case-study method, conducting eleven semi-structuredinterviews and four surveys of patient innovators from 13 developing countries.86.7% of the innovations were developed by users with a clear perception of thefragile conditions in the analysed countries. Reputation achieved amongst their communitieswas recognized by users as another major driver (46.7%). The most problematic socioeconomicfactor verified is healthcare, where 86.7% of user innovators reported issues.66.7% of users rely on complementary technologies as the major complementary asset.Furthermore, 20.0% sample solutions could be adopted by developed countries. O setor da sade enfrenta desafios vitais, por um lado devido ao alastramento globalde doenas crnicas. Por outro, devido aos aumentos nos custos da sade, gerando-se umanecessidade de inovao.Estudos mostram doentes e cuidadores como uma das fontes de inovao, aocriarem tratamentos, terapias ou dispositivos mdicos para lidar melhor com asnecessidades no atendidas, impostas por problemas de sade comercialmente poucoatrativos para investimentos dos fabricantes mdicos (Oliveira et al., 2015).Van der Boor et al. (2014) concluiu que altos nveis de necessidade, existncia deplataformas flexveis e acesso a tecnologias da informao e comunicao, contribuem paraa ocorrncia deste fenmeno no mundo subdesenvolvido.As questes de investigao so: Quais os principais fatores para a inovao dedoentes utilizadores, nos pases subdesenvolvidos? Que fatores socioeconmicos queinfluenciam o desenvolvimento de inovaes por utilizadores nesses pases? Que ativoscomplementares locais que afetam o empreendedorismo? Em que medida estas solues,criadas em pases subdesenvolvidos, podero ser adotadas em regies desenvolvidas?Aplicamos um mtodo de estudo-de-caso mltiplo, com quinze entrevistassemiestruturadas e quatro questionrios de doentes inovadores. A amostra Advisors/Committee Members: Canho, Helena.

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