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Gumundr Glasisvllum: A Study of Potential Foreign Influences

by Lummer 1990 Felix

Institution: University of Iceland
Year: 2017
Keywords: Norrn tr
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2177685
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1946/27170


This thesis aims to continue the scholarly debate on the potential Irish influence on the Gumundr Glasisvllum subject matter, which allows a careful comparison of the Irish and Old Norse data. The study will then bring into question whether Irish origins are more likely than a background in the Nordic culture. To do so, other material is considered that was largely omitted from the discussion about Gumundr, Glasisvellir and dinsakr to this day, namely past and present local folk tales of magical and vanishing islands found in both mainland Scandinavia (especially the so-called Utrst legend in Norway) and the North Sea area (Faroe Islands, Iceland and Orkney). As will be shown, a Norwegian background seems most likely. It seems reasonable to interpret dinsakr as a separate motif other rather than being intrinsically connected with accounts of Gumundr. As this motif is found in both Irish and Old Norse literature, it can be suggested that dinsakr has shared Christian origins. etta rannsknarverkefni er tla sem framlag til frekari umru um hugsanleg rsk hrif efni Gumundar Glasisvllum til ess a gera samanbur rskum og norrnum upplsingum. Ritgerin rannsaknar hvort rskur bakgrunnur s lklegri en uppruni norrnni menningu. Til a gera a eru mis ggn notu sem hinga til hefur veri sleppt umrunni um Gumundi, Glasisvllum og dinsakri. essi ggn eru gamlar og ntmalegar jsgur Skandinavu (Utrst Noregi) og eyjanna Atlantshafi (Freyjar, sland, Orkneyjar) sem fjalla um yfirnttrulegar eyjar sem hverfa. Norskur bakgrunnur virist vera lklegastur t af v a a er hgt a tulka dinsakr sem h motif sem er ekki tengt vi lsingar Gumundar. ar sem mtifi er bi til rskum og norrnum bkmenntum er uppruni dinsakrs sennilegt kristilegur.

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