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Mental Health Nurses' Perceptions| Making a Career Choice and Remaining in Mental Health Nursing

by Robin Gunn

Institution: William Carey University
Year: 2017
Keywords: Mental health; Health sciences; Nursing; Occupational psychology
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2178119
Full text PDF: http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10605386


Mental health nursing is a distinct specialty in the nursing profession. However, research has consistently shown the field of mental health nursing is not a popular career choice. In addition, the mental health nursing field is facing a significant shortage of nurses. Understanding what attracts and retains nurses to this nursing specialty is needed to aid in recruitment and retention and to ensure there will be enough qualified mental health nurses in the future to provide care for those needing mental health care services. The purpose of this study was to explore mental health perceptions of the career choice and identify what factors and/influences, if any, encouraged the decisions to choose mental health nursing or to remain employed in mental health nursing. A qualitative research design using a descriptive online survey and individual interviews was used to explore mental health nurses' perceptions of the career choice of mental health nursing. Findings from the survey and interviews revealed themes as to why mental health nurses chose a career in and stay in mental health nursing, what factors influenced these decisions, and the image of mental health nursing. Recommendations for future studies in mental health nursing included replicating the study with a larger sample size and a variety of mental health facilities, an analysis of the current U.S. mental health nursing workforce, and how nursing school experiences affect students' perceptions of mental health nursing.

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