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Weathering and soil properties on catenary sequences in forest and alpine ecosystems of the central Rocky Mountains

by Robert Mark Bergstrom

Institution: Colorado State University
Year: 2018
Keywords: pedology; weathering; soil; catena
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2179969
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10217/185639


The evolution of soil landscapes can be evaluated by studying soil properties along catenary sequencessoil sequences that are hydrologically and topographically connected along hillslopes from higher elevation to lower elevation. Using the catena model, I investigated the manifestation of soil forming factors in conditioning weathering and soil development in the Mountain Ecosystems of the Fraser Experimental Forest (FEF), Colorado. The research outlined and presented in this dissertation is preceded by a short narrative on soil forming properties, hillslope models, and assessing weathering in soils. The work presented in this dissertation is a result of a multidisciplinary framework for pedological research, derived from the integration of and consideration of pedology, geomorphology, and hydrology. The future of pedological research will involve the assimilation of multidisciplinary approaches and thinking. This dissertation elucidates on (1) the distribution of soil properties along soil catenas and their implication for hydrologic and biogeochemical linkages across landscapes, (2) the evaluation of chemical alteration thru modeling soil strain along soil catenas, (3) the quantification and distribution of soil elemental fluxes along soil catenas, and (4) the determination of the contributions of weathering and atmospheric inputs to landscapes at FEF. My field sites were located in FEF, a model site of the alpine and forested environments of the central Rocky Mountains. The FEF is an ideal setting to study the interaction of soil forming factors in complex mountain terrain. A combination of traditional and more modern methods to explore the linkages between soil properties along mountain catenas were employed in order to gain insight into soil landscape evolution in complex mountain terrain. I established eight catenas along relatively steep mountain hillslopes while constraining the lithologic differences along the soil landscapes. Vegetative changes along these catenas could not be ignored; rather, the differences provided insight into the influence of vegetative cover on soil properties. Soils were sampled along the catenas, beginning in the mountaintop landscapes (crests or summit) and ending in the mountainbase landscapes, where wetlands along riparian corridors dominate. Soil morphology and soil chemistry along the catenas provided understanding into the evolution of soil landscapes at FEF and their connectedness to the hydrologic flowpaths along these hillslopes. Results suggested that these soil landscapes are in various states of evolution, marked by the relative development of illuvial and elluvial horizons, and that the landscapes are dominated by subsurface lateral flow. The data also suggested that atmospheric deposition may be an important contributor to pedogenesis in these landscapes and that there are expected hot-spots of nutrient accumulations in the mountainbase landscapes, where upland soils have transported and deposited dissolved ions and fine soil particles into wetland soils alongAdvisors/Committee Members: Kelly, Eugene F. (advisor), Rhoades, Charles C. (committee member), Borch, Thomas (committee member), Melzer, Suellen (committee member), Martin, Patrick H. (committee member).

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