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Fresnos BIDfor downtown revitalization: an analysis of a business improvementdistrict

by Christopher Kutz

Institution: Kansas State University
Year: 2017
Keywords: Urbanplanning; BusinessImprovement District; Downtownrevitalization
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2182129
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2097/35421


In the mid-20th century a migration took place takingresidents of American downtowns to the newly-developed,master-planned suburbs. In the wake were abandoned urban cores thatevolved into poorly-perceived conditions. One of the many responsesto correct these deteriorating central districts was theestablishment of Business Improvement Districts (BID), apublic-private partnership that develops complementary services towhat a city already provides and is paid for by assessmentscollected from property and business owners in a defined area. Withmore than 1,000 BIDs in existence in the United States as of 2010(Becker, Grossman, Dos Santos, 2011), the concept has caught on asa tool utilized to bring downtowns back to life. However, despitethe popularity of BIDs and their nearly 50-year existence as aplanning tool, the question of how successful they are in improvingthe conditions of safety, cleanliness, and business growth in thedistricts over time needs continued analysis. This study gaugesthe impact of BIDs through a case study of Fresno, California andits BID, the Downtown Fresno Partnership. To measure how theDowntown Fresno Partnership has been successful or unsuccessful,interviews with Downtown Fresno stakeholders were conducted tomeasure the BIDs ability to change perceptions and advocate forthe property owners in its boundary. Also, to measure furtherimpacts, crime, property values and retail data was investigated. A perceived injection of new energy seems to exist in DowntownFresno, as evidenced by the activity taking place and the change inperception of the area since the Downtown Fresno Partnership wasformed in 2011. The BID has played a central role in institutingphysical change to the space while it has been a strong advocatefor its property owners. In its first five years of existence, theDowntown Fresno Partnership has proven to be necessary, but it isnot sufficient on its own. From a planning standpoint, it isimportant to recognize that in order to revitalize, a communitymust first organize. In the case of Fresno, the BID provided anopportunity to collect formerly competing interests and put itselfat the center of an underperforming downtown to alter the coursetowards a more vibrant and thriving area. It has establishedpositive momentum down this path, and it is expected to be a strongvoice for downtown in the future as others join in on thefully-experienced revitalized state of Downtown Fresno.Advisors/Committee Members: John W. Keller.

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