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Implementation of k-Exact Finite Volume Reconstruction in DLRs Next-Generation CFD Solver: Flucs and its Comparison to Other Methods


Institution: KTH
Year: 2017
Keywords: Engineering and Technology; Teknik och teknologier
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2182544
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-220315


This thesis extended the order of the reconstruction of state for convective fluxes used by Finite Volume (FV) algorithm in DLRs next-generation CFD solver: Flucs, from constant and linear to quadratic and cubic. Two approaches for calculating derivatives were implemented in Flucs and some test cases were tried. To allow for integration of moments within each cell and a higher-order integration of fluxes, the mesh used by Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) was fed to the FV algorithm. Insufficient geometric treatment of the boundary cells and the dummy cells in FV is believed to be detrimental to the order of error reduction in NACA0012 case and the smooth bump case. In the smooth bump case, the FV algorithms failed to show higher than second order error reduction because of this reason. The order of the schemes away from the boundaries was verified with the Ehrenfried Vortex test case. For at least structured meshes and unstructured meshes with quads, schemes of order k approached k + 1 order accuracy on sufficiently fine meshes. The original goal of this thesis was partly accomplished and some further work in the code is expected. Detta examensarbete vidareutvecklade ordningen av rekonstruktion av tillstndet fr konvektiva flden som anvnds av FV-algoritmen i DLRs nsta generations CFD-lsare: Flucs, frn konstant och linjr till kvadratisk och kubisk. Tv metoder fr berkning av derivatorna genomfrdes i Flucs och ngra testfall frskades. Fr att mjliggra integrationen av momenten inom varje cell och integrationen av flden p en hgre ordning, matades det nt som anvnds av DG till FV-algoritmen. Otillrcklig geometrisk behandling av grnscellerna och dummycellerna antas vara skadlig fr ordning av felreduceringen i NACA0012-fallet och det Smmoth Bump-fallet. I det Smooth Bump-Fallet fick FV-algoritmerna inte visa hgre n andra ordning av felreducering p grund av denna anledning. Ordningen av schemana bort frn grnserna verifierades med Ehrenfried Vortex-testfallet. Fr tminstone strukturerade nt och ostrukturerade nt med fyrkantiga celler ndde algorithmer med order k, k + 1 ordernoggrannhet p tillrckliga bra nt. Det ursprungliga mlet fr denna avhandling uppnddes delvis och ytterligare arbete i koden frvntas.

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