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BUILDING AND SIMULATING DYNAMIC MODELS OF DISTRICT HEATING NETWORKS WITH MODELICA : Using Matlab to process data and automate modelling and simulation

by Cristoffer Kos

Institution: Mlardalen University
Year: 2017
Keywords: Heat losses; flow reversal; heat propagation; visualization; CAD; components; object-oriented; bi-directional; Vrmefrluster; reversibelt flde; vrmeutbredning; visualisering; komponenter; objekt-orienterat; riktningsoberoende; Energy Systems; Energis
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2184232
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-36107


District heating systems are common in Nordic countries today and accounts for a great portion of the heat demand. In Sweden, total district heating end use in the last years has been around 50 TWh and district heating accounts for roughly 50 % of the total heat demand. Suppliers of district heating must balance demand and supply, often in large and complex networks. Heat propagation can be in the range of hours and it is not known in detail how the heat will propagate during transient conditions. A dynamic model has been developed in OpenModelica and a method for modeling, handling data, simulating and visualizing the results of a district heating network was developed using Matlab as core. Data from Mlarenergi AB, a district heating producer and grid operator, was used for validation of the model. Validation shows that the model works well in predicting heat propagation and temperature distribution in the network and that the model can be scaled up to a large number of heat exchangers and pipes. The model is robust and can handle bi-directional and reversing flows in complex ring structures. It was concluded that OpenModelica together with Matlab is a good combination for creating models of district heating networks, as a high degree of standardization and automation can be achieved. This, together with visualization of the heat propagation, makes it useful for the understanding of the district heating network during transient conditions. Smarta Flden

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