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Blockchain technology in Scania Services : An investigative study of how blockchain technology can be utilized by Scania

by Jim Lindberg

Institution: Uppsala University
Year: 2017
Keywords: blockchain technology; decentralization; disintermediation; transportation industry; bitcoin; provenance tracking; platooning; data sharing; Engineering and Technology; Teknik och teknologier
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2184819
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-327959


Blockchain technology emerged in 2009 together with the introduction of Bitcoin, the first virtual currency which enabled nodes in a network, that do not necessarily trust each other, to exchange digital value without the use of trusted intermediaries. Since then, the idea of disintermediation and decentralization has gained traction in a large number of applications outside the world of finance and virtual currencies. This thesis is written in collaboration with Scania, an automotive industry manufacturer, with the purpose of gaining a better understanding of blockchain technology and how it can be used in the transportation industry. This thesis proposes five potential blockchain use cases that aim to either enhance Scanias existing services or to create new services. Out of these five use cases, one is deemed inappropriate in regards to the use of blockchain technology while the other four have potentials benefits. The common denominator among these use cases is that they are decentralized in nature meaning that the use of intermediaries is mitigated. It is recognized that all use cases could be implemented using traditional, centralized databases and that the use of blockchain boils down to a technology choice with its own trade-offs relative to other potential choices. This thesis concludes that blockchain technology offers a new kind of database architecture, the main benefit of which is that it lets several non-trusting entities agree on a common set of facts, without having a trusted intermediary establishing these facts.

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