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The experience of women who are one of a few on a top management team: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of women at 10 healthcare firms

by Corbette S Doyle

Institution: Northeastern University
Year: 2017
Keywords: gender diversity; healthcare; social categorization theory; social identity theory; top management teams
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2186095
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2047/D20247145


Turbulence in the healthcare industry has created new demands for innovation, especially from Top Management Teams (TMTs). These teams are charged with both setting strategic direction and the resolution of competing demands for the organizations time, talent, and dollars. The composition of a TMT appears to mediate its success at balancing these conflicting demands, but we know little about the impact of gender diversity, particularly from the perspective of those few women on TMTs. This paper addresses that gap by exploring the experience of ten women who are one of a distinct minority on a U.S. healthcare TMT.; In addition to context as a potential mediator of womens experience on TMTs, minority status may also influence womens contributions to the extent that social categorization impairs their sense of identity. Interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) provided an effective lens for exploring both the momentous career experiences of serving on a TMT and the potential impact of minority status on personal and social identity.; An identity continuum emerged from the research that reflected confidence and empowerment from personal identity, and social identification with TMTs that were both inclusive and supportive. The results suggest that steps to create an inclusive TMT culture and to build the sense of empowerment women on the TMT have may mitigate the projected downsides of adding women to the TMT.

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