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Development and translation of label-free functionalmicroscopy based on optical coherence tomography

by Ahhyun Nam

Institution: MIT
Year: 2017
Keywords: Mechanical Engineering.
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2190437
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/108851


Optical coherence tomography (OCT), an imagingmodality based on low coherence interferometry, can be extended toobtain various endogenous functional contrasts. This thesis focuseson the development and translation of angiographic and polarizationsensitive (PS) OCT techniques for clinical and preclinicalapplications. This goal includes four specific aims. The first aimis to develop a clinical imaging system to image the anatomy andmicrovasculature of human skin. The second aim is to develop a highperformance post-processing algorithm for angiographic OCT. Towardsthis aim, we developed a processing algorithm based on complexdifferential variance (CDV) and confirmed its performance bybenchmarking it against other published algorithms. The third aimis to develop a new approach for achieving high spatial resolutionwith an extended depth of focus for angiographic imaging. Toachieve this aim, we have designed and built a triband wavelengthsystem in which each spectrum is tightly focused at displaced focalplanes to yield high transverse resolution over an effectivelyextended depth range. The fourth aim is to provide an imagingplatform for preclinical study of peripheral nerve injury andrepair. The vascularization is assessed by angiographic OCT, andthe degree of myelination is measured by PS-OCT. These resultsconfirm that the OCT platform can reveal new insights intopreclinical studies of nerve regeneration and may ultimatelyprovide a means for clinical intraoperative assessment ofperipheral nerve health.Advisors/Committee Members: Benjamin J. Vakoc (advisor).

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