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Todays Ephemera are Tomorrows Beliefs: How the publics lack of visual literacy enables graphic designers to create and propagate myth

by Elizabeth A Welch

Institution: Savannah College of Art and Design
Year: 2017
Keywords: Thesis (M.F.A.) Graphic Design; Savannah College of Art and Design Department of Graphic Design
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2193431
Full text PDF: http://ecollections.scad.edu/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1003868


Works cited: pages 116-122 "Most graphic designers have been asked, 'What does a graphic designer do?' The answer is usually somevariant of 'being responsible for shaping messages,' or 'influencing peoples perceptions,' often in theservice of advertising a commercial product or advancing a social cause. Many would agree that to achievethose goals, graphic design practices create myths which are repeated and expanded until naturalized andaccepted as fact. This thesis contends it is possible to create and propagate these myths because the publicis not visually literate. Along with research on visual literacy, the theories of Marshall McLuhan, RolandBarthes, and Nicholas Carr support this assertion. The role of visual literacy in American society and thenecessity of pedagogical changes for the 21st century are explored. Also discussed, are the underlyingreasons for the publics current lack of visual literacy skillsincluding the erroneous, but pervasive,attitude that using visually-oriented media equates to understanding them. A case study of a popular brandof granola bars serves as a real-world example of myths about healthfulness, demonstrated through adeconstruction of the packaging designanalyzing elements such as color, imagery, texture, andtypography. Then, by placing that design in context, it becomes clear how myths transcend individualartifacts to become widely held beliefs. Opposing views are raised and refuted before concluding withobservations and suggestions for further research." PDF2 includes an explanation of the author's rationale for the design and preparation of her graduate exhibition, along with photographs Works consulted: pages 123-124 Keywords: graphic design, visual literacy, media literacy, visual communication, myth, semiotics, Roland BarthesAdvisors/Committee Members: CHAIR: Field, Louise Wales, Fox, Jason, Newbold, Curtis.

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