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Strategic Analysis for Marketing Graduate Education at a Public University

by Monica Berumen

Institution: California State University Northridge
Year: 2017
Keywords: Strategic Analysis; Dissertations, Academic CSUN Business.
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2204580
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/196426


This report presents the strategic issues for a client marketing graduate education at a public university. Three strategic alternatives and one recommendation are offered to address the identified issues. In addition, advantages and disadvantages are included for each strategic alternative. These findings were obtained through primary and secondary research using a combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The university???s institutional research website was used to gather data on graduate student headcount and graduate programs. In person interviews were conducted with the university???s and the client???s key stakeholders. There was a thorough analysis of the internal and external environments to identify the client???s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Furthermore, these sources of information allowed the team to develop a situation, SWOT, and industry analyses to better understand the client???s current situation and competitive environment. After the research and analysis phase of the project, we pivoted away from one of our key hypothesis???the idea of collaboration. This was primarily, because it did not align with the interests of all parties involved. To provide other options for the client, we looked externally for technologies that could help the client improve its marketing activities and recruitment functions. One of these technologies was the Customer Relationship Management System. In the final phase of the project, the research and analysis materials were consolidated to create a cohesive and comprehensive strategic evaluation for marketing graduate education at a public university. These alternatives and recommendations provided were supported by the primary and secondary research findings. Consequently, the recommendations presented to the client were the most appropriate, given the current strategic issues the client faces. Lastly, the findings and recommendations are proprietary to the client and shall remain confidential.Advisors/Committee Members: Heisley, Deborah (advisor), Moore, Richard W (committee member).

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