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Growth plan for a specialized restaurant

by Aram Pagaryan

Institution: California State University Northridge
Year: 2017
Keywords: business plan; Dissertations, Academic CSUN Business.
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2204757
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/196405


The objective of this graduate project was to review and analyze a specialized restaurant in order to produce a business plan. The purpose of the study was to determine the most successful growth strategy for the restaurant. The study began with a review of the restaurant industry and included a Porter???s Five Forces and PEST analysis. The review was followed by a SWOT analysis addressing the restaurants resources, capabilities, opportunities and threats. The next segment of the study focused on generating a business plan including strategic and tactical recommendations. To understand the specialized restaurants business and its customers, a combination of primary and secondary research was used. The research generated recommendations for target markets, positioning and growth opportunities. Ultimately, the study provides industry and market information, recommendations of alternative growth options and critical factors that need to be considered for current and future endeavors.Advisors/Committee Members: Heisley, Deborah (advisor), Moore, Richard W (committee member).

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