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Parent perceptions and understandings of college preparedness for their elementary school-aged children

by Audry M Garza

Institution: California State University Stanislaus
Year: 2017
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2219606
Full text PDF: http://scholarworks.csustan.edu/handle/011235813/1138


This study explored the parent perceptions and understandings of college preparedness for their elementary school-aged children. Most parents have high aspirations for their children. They anticipate that their children will do better than they did, be more successful, prosperous, and satisfied. Parents also tend to equate a college education as a means to accomplish that goal. There is little research regarding college preparedness and elementary students. Research tends to be focused on middle or high school aged students and/or minority youth. The goal of this research was to focus on elementary students with the intention of starting earlier to support parents and students to accomplish their college goals. Interviews of ten parents whom had at least one child enrolled in the same, large, public, elementary school, were conducted. The data were reviewed and the findings were identified to develop recommendations to support college attainment goals using a Three-Tier Model of Intervention to create a college-going culture in an elementary school.Advisors/Committee Members: Mayer, Anysia (advisor).

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