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Risks and implications associated with burnout of child welfare workers: what do they need to know?

by Verenice Salazar

Institution: California State University Northridge
Year: 2017
Keywords: DCFS; Dissertations, Academic ??? CSUN
Posted: 2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2219608
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/191863


Purpose: To conduct a content analysis research study and answer the research question, ???The risks and implications associated with burnout of child welfare workers: what do they need to know???? Method: The method of this study was conducted by using a systematic review of the topic on burnout and keywords, previously published information is presented, evaluate a program that is used to alleviate burnout and reduce turnover, and complete a logic model together with a selective overview of the pertinent literature. In addition, a comprehensive reference list was provided, consisting of useful articles and/or websites for the readers, beyond what will be cited. Results: These researcher utilized the Program Logic Model by the University of Arkansas system, division of Agriculture Research and Extensions, to analyze, evaluate, and demonstrate the results of the ???2011 Los Angeles County DFCS strategic plan??? (Browning, 2012). Discussion: By correcting this situation/problem through the use of implementing the strategic plan, DCFS expectations were that burnout and turnover rates will decrease among their child welfare workers. The researchers determined that based on previous evidence-based literature the strategic plan is an effective in reducing burnout and turnover among child welfare workers despite its limitations.Advisors/Committee Members: Love, Susan M (advisor), Bartle, Eli E (committee member).

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