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Modelo de optimización multiobjetivo para la programación de la producción agrícola a pequeña escala en Santander, Colombia

by Leonardo Hernán Talero-Sarmiento

Institution: Universidad Industrial de Santander
Department: Escuela de Estudios Industriales y Empresariales
Degree: Master's Degree
Year: 2018
Posted: 05/04/2019
Record ID: 2222182
Full text PDF: http://tangara.uis.edu.co/biblioweb/tesis/2018/173926.pdf


The zero hunger is one of the United Nations sustainability objectives, which includes guaranteeing food security by promoting sustainable agriculture, strengthening rural development and protecting the environment. Taking into account the end hunger goal and the need to generate research projects focused on strengthening Colombian agriculture (such as favoring the acquisition of agricultural assets as technological tools), in this work is proposed a tool in order to support decision-making related to the planning the products cultivate and the sequencing of production in the provinces of Garcia Rovira and Guanentá. For this, a multi-objective multi-period mathematical model (Maximize income and Minimize financial risk) is proposed, which uses as input two main parameters: 1) the estimated sale price and the production ratio in kilograms per square meter of 21 products sold in the Bucaramanga supply center and cropped in the respective provinces. The model is solved in an exact and approximate way using the Brunch and Cut algorithm and the NSGAII algorithm respectively. Among the results, 21 ARMA-GARCH autoregressive forecasting equations are developed, are consolidated, two databases characterizing the products and the respective sowing lots are consolidated, a methodology in order to estimate the production ration in the provinces is designing, a mathematical model that represents the decision-making is developed, two algorithms are built in MATLAB 2017a for each of the solution methods and an interface is developed.

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