Abstracts Philosophy, Religion, and Theology

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An Interdisciplinary Engagement with the Human Dignity of the Sexual Minorities in Grace Bible Church, Soweto: A Case Study on Gender, Law and Religion

by Tebogo Lister Sewapa

Institution: University of Stellenbosch
Department: Theology
Degree: Master's Degree
Year: 2019
Keywords: Gender Studies, Theology, Law, Sexual Minorities, Soweto, Interdisciplinary
Posted: 12/19/2019 12:00:00 AM
Record ID: 2222199
Full text PDF: https://scholar.sun.ac.za/handle/10019.1/106102


This study investigates issues related to gender, law and theological discourses within the context of a selected Christian denomination –the Grace Bible Church in Johannesburg South Africa. This study is interdisciplinary, since it is positioned within the fields of Christian theology, the sociological concept of human sexuality with a specific interdisciplinary dimension on the intersection between gender, law and religion. The interconnectedness of the notions on gender, law and religion is the foundational basis of this study. This is pertinent since, historically, law and theology have been accepted as the fundamental grounds of the universal notion of the recognition of the inherent dignity of persons, and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family. Such laws form the foundations on liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness of all members of human family in the world. These laws are also contained in the liberal Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. The South African Constitution, recognizes and protects, in Chapter 2 Section 9 of its Bill of Rights, the human rights of LGBTIQ persons to not be discriminated against on the ground of their sexual orientation or gender identity. While there appears to be some tension with regard to understanding the Constitution’s definition of religious freedom, churches seem to be generally free to formulate the conditions of their faith and church membership and free from state intrusion and doctrinal entanglement in such matters as relating to faith dictates. Hence this study considers these issues, focusing on human sexuality, theological and legal notions of human dignity, human flourishing, and human rights jurisprudence

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